
Critter Care Logo

Who Are We?

Critter Care Wildlife Society specializes in the treatment, 
care and release of sick, injured and orphaned 
Native Mammal species of British Columbia’s 
Southern and Lower Mainland. 
We are the only facility in BC specializing in the care of mammals and one of only 
three bear rehabilitation facilities in the province.
Critter Care Logo
Our Legacy
A black and white icon of a first aid kit with a white cross on it.


Animals Rescued 
A black rectangle with a white border on a white background.


A black silhouette of a person on a white background.


Staff & Interns
A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.


An aerial view of Critter Care

What Do 
We Do? 

In addition to rehabilitation we are involved in community based education programs at primary levels. We work to educate the public through involvement in civic groups, seniors homes and assist other wildlife management organizations. Our internship program has reached a new landmark this year, extending invitations to more than 25 collegiate or post graduate students from every continent on the planet but Antarctica!...So far.

Our Mission

For the last 30 years we have been a part of the Greater British Columbia Community 
serving its people and its wildlife through education and rehabilitation. 

We are principally volunteer driven and depend solely on the support of the public 
to further our success. We are deeply grateful for your continued generosity

 Our Work

Wildlife Education 
Our Work Study Program is coordinated through the Provincial Public School System and is managed on site through the Animal Care Supervisory Staff. Work Study students do work in contact with wildlife and are instructed in all facets of animal care, husbandry, examination, therapy, zoonoses, diet, natural history and rearing. 
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Wildlife Rehab

Critical Care is a large part of any good rehab facility and Critter Care is no exception. Each year we deal with hundreds of animals that have been severely debilitated very often as a result of human-animal conflicts, including animals hit by cars, animals accidentally (and intentionally) poisoned. 

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Our Team
Critter Care has a full-time staff of three animal care supervisors, and our Executive Director Mrs Gail Martin. In addition to this we have a full time volunteer office administrator Ms. Maureen Binnie who currently sits as President of our Board of Directors. 
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Our Partners
When you rehabilitate between 900 and 1200 mammals a year, many of whom stay in care for 6-9 months and some for as long as 18-24 months, you cannot operate without the kindness of corporate sponsors. 
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Thank you for your interest in employment with us. 

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We’ve been blessed with great interns to work with us over the years, and love to hear what they have to say about their experiences at Critter Care. 
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