Gail’s husband, Richard, had to have been the most understanding husband in the world to allow his wife to turn their basement into a wildlife nursery. So with family and friends they set about finishing off a portion of their basement and the infancy stage of Critter Care began. Eventually even Richard got involved in the feeding and caring of babies.
It didn’t take long till Gail’s knowledge exploded and larger critters like the fawns began needing her help. At that point it became clear that her basement nursery was just not going to serve the need and with Richard’s continued support and help the search for bigger accommodations began.
At the same time Gail was looking for more space she also realized the need for financial help in funding this project and to have the capability of doing fundraising and therefore applied to Revenue Canada for registered charity status. Critter Care Wildlife Society became a registered charity in January of 1993 (89643 9387 RR001).