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Critter Care Summer 2020 Newsletter

In this issue:
  • Open House Cancelation
  • OUR MESSAGE - What a Year So Far!
  • Critter Care Volunteers - We appreciate you!
  • Volunteers
  • Animal Stories
  • Bits and Pieces

Open House Cancelation

We’re sorry that our Open House needed to be cancelled.

However, if you still would like to have one or more animal sponsorships such as the one shown on the right – you can.

If you would like to sponsor an animal, you can mail us a cheque, (click on "you can mail us a cheque," print pdf and mail with your donation), or donate online here SPONSOR AN ANIMAL  

Be sure to indicate what critter(s) you would like to sponsor and a certificate will be mailed to you.

Available critters are: Bear – Beaver – Fawn – Otter – Raccoon – Skunk – Rabbit - Chipmunk


What a Year So Far!

Hey Critter Crew, what a year 2020 has been! This year has been full of challenges, however, where there is a will there is a way. This year at Critter Care Wildlife Society we have been growing and improving in so many ways, from day to day operations to the way we fundraise. We started the year off slow as we made some changes in the way we used our social media. Through social media, we plan to educate the public on some of the wildlife we rehabilitate at Critter Care in hopes of showing people we can, in fact, coexist with our furry friends. We have since turned into a mecca for people to call upon when confronted with an injured or orphaned wild animal. If we cannot assist you, we will happily direct you where to find an alternative solution. This year we are taking a new approach and trying to give back to our followers as much as we can. We kicked off the year with a giveaway as we gave 2 lucky winners branded Critter Care hoodies. When we do giveaways Critter Care benefits from this in so many ways as our organization is seen by the masses as these posts go viral, and who does not like free stuff.

Suspro Vegan Protein Bar Promotion

This year we have partnered with some amazing businesses in hopes of fundraising. Our friends at Suspro ran a promotion where anyone who ordered vegan protein bars received a 20% discount off their order, 50% of that sale then came to Critter Care as a donation. With the sales of their product being successful they donated several sample boxes for us to run a contest on both our Facebook and Instagram. We ran this promotion to give back to our social following as a way of saying thank you.

Thank You

Thanks to Diana Zoe Coop for donating 30 copies of her “Seymour the Peanut Butter Bear Book”. These books were a total hit and sold out within days, forcing us to buy more from her to keep up with the demand (at cost of course). Through her generosity and sales of this book, she was able to sponsor a bear cub for the year.

Nutrams Nation Wide contest

We had the privilege of being part of the Nutrams Nation Wide contest that gave the top 10 charities $5,000. Did you vote for us? A total of 100 charities went head to head to be in the top 10. $5,000 is a lot of money! Through constant reminders on all our social platforms we managed to stay in first place nearly the entire contest, and we thought it was going to be a photo finish. To our dismay we ended up placing 2nd out of 100, but what an accomplishment. To everyone who voted and shared this experience I personally wanted to say thank you! Because of your dedication and patience, we still came out with $5,000! You all rock!

Book and Gift Card Giveaway

Education is key to our success here at Critter Care Wildlife Society. We have partnered with BCB Black Bear Association to do another giveaway yet again. This time we gave away a “Seymour Peanut Butter Bear Book” and a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card. Doing this give away was a double whammy as we gave back to the community and shared a fantastic organization for people to follow to learn how we can coexist and get information on bears. It truly takes a village to educate. 

Canadian Giving Challenge

The most recent contest we are entered in is the Canadian Giving Challenge. This contest runs for the whole month of June. Every dollar donated through Canada Helps in June is a ballot towards winning the grand prize of $20,000. In hopes of raising money we decided to run a contest from the 1st - 22nd of June - “Name a Bear Cub.” We have one cub that came in from Port Moody and was never named. Every $3.00 you donate = 1 ballot towards winning the naming rights. So far we have several hundred entrants.

The Store is Open!

We are always looking for new and innovative ways to raise funds, our next project is an online store. Stay tuned and watch out for it as we have a wide range of items from clothing to accessories. The store is expected to launch near the end of June. (Update: The store is launched! CLICK HERE and check it out.

More importantly, your contribution towards this success will help save many of our native BC mammal species.

Brandon Dean

Operations Administrator



It’s not for money. It’s not for fame.

It’s not for any personal gain.

It’s just for love of fellow man.

It’s just to lend a helping hand.

It’s just to give a tithe of self,

That’s something you can’t buy with wealth.

It’s not for medals won with pride,

It’s for that feeling deep inside.

It’s that reward down in your heart, 

It’s that feeling that you’ve been a part

Of helping others far and near

That makes you be a volunteer!

(Author Unknown)

Lynda Brown  Critter Care Wildlife Society

Critter Care Volunteers

We would like to send a huge “shout out” to our

volunteers. We absolutely could not do what we

do without your tremendous support.

Whether you are:

  • Cleaning raccoon enclosures
  • Repairing enclosures
  • Painting repaired enclosures
  • Helping with the lawns and gardens
  • Working on the “deck” doing a deep clean, food prep or sorting produce
  • Helping with laundry – tons of it
  • Picking up produce for us
  • Picking up animals
  • Driving interns to and from the airport
  • Manning information tables or selling
  • Critter Care products at events in the community
  • Volunteering at the Gala or Open House (neither to be held this year)
  • Running our Education Program
  • Managing the Produce Pickup schedule
  • Also, our Board, our President, Vice-President. Treasurer and Directors are all volunteers and work as hard as they can to keep us going. 

Please know that you are a very big part of our organization and your help is so very much appreciated. We thank you but most of all the animals thank you!

Lynda Brown (In Photo)


Animal Stories

Last years’ Beaver Kits released

This past week our two remaining beaver kits, Beatrice and Biva were released. Beatrice spent 367 days at Critter Care Wildlife Society, coming in at only 640 grams after someone almost stepped on her while walking on a river bank. The dam nearby had unfortunately been destroyed. Biva came in last August, found walking alone along a main road. She was bigger at 1.3 kg but got along well with Beatrice. The pair were happiest diving deep into their pool and eating their favorite food, yummy broccoli.

Upon being let out at the release site, Beatrice stuck around to smell branches, test the water a few times, and nibble on some leaves, while Biva took off straight into the lake and out of sight. We stuck around for as long as we could, but having seen them swim and begin to forage we knew they didn’t need us anymore. It’s times like this we remember why we do it.

Racoon - Critter Care Wildlife Society

One Happy Guy

The first group of baby raccoons this season have been moved to a side cage outside and the group of seven couldn’t be happier. They’ve got lots of room, lots of fresh air, and even the rainy days have never put a damper on their mood.

When it gets rainy and it comes time for their feed, they love to cozy up in one of the milk baskets which is apparently much more comfortable than it looks. Surrounded by toys and stuffies, it’s hard to understand the appeal of a plain plastic basket, but these babies could find joy in just about anything.

Fawn - Critter Care Wildlife Society

Fawn Reunited with Mom

Every year we receive fawns who have been “kidnapped” after being mistakenly thought to be orphaned. Does will only feed their young once or twice a day, the remainder of the time they are left alone, laying on the ground silently waiting for mom to return.

When there is no mom in sight people think they need to help and will take them from their safe place to a rehab center. Unfortunately,  this was the case for this young female. She was seen sleeping near a construction site and taken to an emergency clinic who transferred her to us the following morning.

Upon examining her, she was well-hydrated, clean, healthy and very clearly stressed about being handled. She was offered milk but refused. 

Our staff called the gentleman who had dropped her off at the Vet, who confirmed there was, in fact, a doe looking around from where he had removed the fawn.

We immediately put her in the truck and drove her back to where the doe was, with the construction crew kind enough to keep their eyes on her for the 45 minutes it took us to get there.

We placed her 20 meters from where Mom was laying. As soon as we backed off, Mom got up and walked over to the fawn who immediately started nursing off her! This was the perfect ending for her.


Over the last few years Critter Care Wildlife Society has been inundated with very young, malnourished black bear cubs. Back in 2004 when Critter Care first was given permission to rehab black bear cubs we got on average 2 – 6 cubs in any given season.

Then in the 2015/2016 season Critter Care had a record 32 cubs admitted. It was a horrid and sad year for black bears. Habitat was diminishing and food source was just not there. Some due to weather conditions (summer heat - winter cold) and some (too many) human caused. And in 2019/2020 we had a near record of 29 cubs brought to us, yet again, the reasons being as indicated above. Of these 29 cubs we still have 18 in care awaiting release.

Now at the start of the 2020/2021 season we have our first 2 arrivals on June 15 th . First cub is male weighing in at 9.4 pounds and the second one is a female at 9.6 pounds. Both are skinny and very scared. They came from the Hope, BC area. Their mother was found nearby deceased under uncertain circumstances.

As of the writing of this story they both are eating well and starting to gain some weight and seem to have a fighting spirit. They will be with us till this time in 2021 when they will be

released back to the wild as the majestic creatures

they are meant to be.

Bits and Pieces

Bears - Critter Care Wildlife Society

Education Program 

On June 3rd our education instructor joined the forces of teachers and presented her instructions via Zoom to the Grade 4 class in Surrey Christian school which proved to be quite successful considering it was not as interactive as it would have been had she been able to do it live in the classroom.

Our instructor, Janice, handled many questions from the students after showing them various pictures of our native wildlife. She told many stories about a few of the animals we had at Critter Care. These were well received by the children.

The class teacher indicated she would try and generate some donations from our Wish List and bring them out to the center when all was collected. Janice is looking forward to more online sessions for the children and in person when more restrictions are eased. Please contact Janice directly at if you have a small group of youngsters interested in learning more about our wildlife. She will do her upmost to

accommodate you.

Kids Helping Critters - Critter Care Wildlife Society

Kids Helping Kritters

Capri Campardo is a Grade 12 student at Riverside Secondary School and as part of her graduation she had to come up with a project regarding her future career or the community. Capri is wanting to make the veterinary field her career path.

Capri and her mom have been following Critter Care’s Instagram and  Facebook and loved reading about all the animals we care for. Capri decided her project was to raise money to donate to Critter Care. The school allowed students, once a month, for 4 months, to set up booths to sell items so Capri decided her project would be to have a bake sale where she would sell her unique cookies and cupcakes.

Well she must be some good cook because she raised over $200 from her baking. Along with the cash donation she put together some stuffed animals and blankets as well. We have some lucky critters thanks to Capri.

2020 Spring Gala

We’re afraid this is another of our fundraisers, in fact our biggest one, that we’ve been forced

to cancel. This event was originally scheduled for April 25th and we had just started selling

tickets in February and then Covid-19 took over.

Restrictions surrounding large gatherings were imposed so we thought we would reschedule to later in the year and made it for May 23 rd . Well that didn’t work so well. We rescheduled yet again to October 10th . As of the writing of this newsletter restrictions surrounding large gatherings are is still up in the air. With many businesses suffering loss of revenue, getting merchandise donations didn’t look good, and a short timeframe, we decided it best to cancel the Gala and hope for the best in the

Spring of 2021.

Critter Care Wildlife Society

On behalf of those who can’t speak for themselves - Thank you so much for your amazing support during this time of need.

Critter Care Wildlife Society News

A raccoon is standing on its hind legs in the water and looking at the camera.
February 18, 2025
If you love wildlife, you won’t want to miss Inside Critter Care: The Mission to Rescue, Rehabilitate, and Release BC Wildlife!
A.I. created image, for educational purposes, only.
February 17, 2025
Social media is filled with heartwarming videos of animals being rescued from dangerous situations. However, not all of these videos are real. A growing number of content creators are staging fake animal rescues, putting innocent animals in harm’s way for views, likes, and even money.
A black bear is sitting next to a dream catcher.
February 6, 2025
Meet Hickory, a gentle black bear cub who captured the hearts of everyone at Critter Care Wildlife Society. Hickory’s story began when he arrived at our facility, in need of care and rehabilitation.
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