What is here today can be gone tomorrow. Every life is a miracle, every life deserves a second chance.
- Gail Martin -
By Sylvia Dobson
Can you distinguish between a black bear and a grizzly? Let's explore the characteristics that help us determine who's who. The size of the shoulders, the profile of the face, and the length of the claws are the best indicators. Grizzly bears have a pronounced shoulder hump, while black bears lack one.
Grizzlies also have a concave or "dished" facial profile, smaller ears, and much larger claws compared to black bears. On the other hand, black bears have a flatter, "Roman-nose" profile, larger ears, no visible shoulder hump, and smaller claws.
If you're up for it, take a test to challenge your bear identification skills! Find out more here:
Remember, being bear-aware is essential!
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