Last years’ cycle is almost over and a new one soon to begin. This past cycle or year if you will has been an arduous one to say the least. Also a very expensive one I might add. But it was something we had to do and could no longer put off. Patchwork repairs were no longer sufficient, in fact the patchwork needed patching.
That’s it! said Gail Martin, Founder/Executive Director as she got down on her worn out knees. It’s time to start begging once again. As she started applying for grants a couple of amazing donors came forward and one in particular whose compassion was overflowing approached Gail with help. Gail gave a sigh of relief and the work began.
The work done:
Rebuilt 8 out of 10 raccoon enclosures
Built an addition to skunk nursery to accommodate baby bear cubs or other overflow babies
Built a new 8 pen skunk enclosure for teenage/adult skunks
Repaired beaver enclosure
Rebuilt half of roof on one of the bear enclosures
Enlarged fawn enclosure
Built two additional enclosures to house skunks, marmots, mink and/or other overflows
Built 9 storage sheds in the various animal caging areas
Repaired flooring of food porch in triage centre
Renovated Ed Centre/Administration Offices
All of this possible thru grants and thru all of your help with donations of support. Now the animals have a bigger and better haven of help. On behalf of those who can’t speak for themselves our esteem gratitude and thanks to you all and we pray this support and compassion continues as there is a never ending need.
Maureen Binnie, President